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It seems that it’s near the end of the Honduran crisis

“If you give birth iguanas, we’ll bring up iguanas” he said. But there will be no more deaths in this village because of you. (Page 11)

clip_image001‘What do you think?’ José Arcadio, sincerely replied:-dog shit. (Page 14)

-“In this town, we don’t command with papers,” he said without losing the calm. And so you know at once, we do not need any major because there is nothing here to be fixed. (Page 25)

Father Nicanor raised his hand and the four legs of the chair landed on earth at the same time.

“Nego” he said. Factum hoc existentiam Dei probat sine dubio. (Page 36)

– “You’re not liberal or anything,” Aureliano said quietly. You are nothing more than a butcher.

– “In that case,” replied the doctor with the same calm- give me the vial. You no longer need it. (Page 43)

– “No nonsense,” said Aureliano. It’s war. And don’t say me Aurelito again, because now I’m Colonel Aureliano Buendia. (Page 44)

– “There we leave you Macondo” was all he said to Arcadio before leaving. We’ll leave it well; try to make it better when we return. (Page 45)

– “I am the mother of Colonel Aureliano Buendía,” she announced. The guards barred her way. (Page 52)

– “I request for the judgment to be fulfilled in Macondo,” he said. The President of the tribunal was displeased.

– “Don’t be shrewd, Buendía,” he said. It is a par ploy to gain time. (Page 54)

– “We’ve lost him forever,” said Ursula after reading. By that way, he will pass Christmas at the end of the world. (Page 61)

His negligence was so serious that when it was announced the arrival of a committee of his party authorized to discuss the crossroads of the war, he turned around in the hammock without fully awakening.

-“Take them where the whores,” he said. (Page 70)

– “You won’t see me,” said Colonel Aureliano Buendia. Put on your shoes and help me ending this fucking war. (Page 71)

—- This is a bit tiring; it sometimes seems that life is a novel. What if we take a leap?

– “Blessed are you who know” he replied. I, for my part, just now I realize that I am fighting for pride. (Page 173)

-Colonel – said then another of his officers- you still have time to stay well. Undeterred, Colonel Aureliano Buendía signed the first copy. (Page 173)

These notes are taken in sequence from the book “A hundred years of solitude”. Any similarities to real characters are only omens of Don Gabriel or mere coincidence.

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