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Spain, the second European country to have Street View

It is already a reality, although it has been announced for tomorrow November 28 the official launch, from today it has begun to be seen street views in at least four cities of Spain:

  • Madrid
  • Barcelona
  • Valencia
  • Seville


With this Google demonstrate its high interest in Hispanic market, as Spain becomes the second country in Europe to have street views, apart from being Europe the first continent where there is more than one country with this privilege. Other countries are USA, Japan and Australia, that with France and Spain sums 5… as far as we know.

This is the view in Google Earth, where you have to activate the tab “street view”, although for what some had told where they had seen cars there are more cities… unless some have been disguised in search of girls showing the breast clip_image003


clip_image006This is the view in Google Maps, where you must activate the “street view” button, getting closer it can be seen the blue spots that show the routes taken as seen in France.


Although they have not been uploaded many views, in Madrid’s case you can see the blue area where you it will be seen, and there is an example of the streets’ intersection composer Francisco Alonso and Pedro Heredia. he he, here it gets troubling the case because so far Google has not worked with names as long as those occurring in our Latin countries, often used to be 1st, 3 Ave, Lincoln st … and now they will have to make adjustments to the mashup because the whole poem can’t be read.


Although in Google maps can not be seen yet all, in Google Earth is now available. This is an example of Madrid.


In Google Maps Mania there are showing some more examples, and is expected to be completed the information in the evening and the rest of morning.

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